• Jasmine's Decision Journey

      About The PROMOTING Channels 50-59

      When you have built a trusted relationship with your customers, they will feel confident in recommending you.  They will want to be the one who made that good recommendation to their friend or colleague.  The key is to make it easy for them to share.  You should be sharing client stories, stories about the community around your business, and providing opportunities for referrals, and affiliate relationships if that works with your model.

      Content Topic Examples:

      Focus on: client recognition, affiliate relationships, rewards Below are headings you might use if you were a bakery: Client Recognition:  “Congratulations to Susie and Jamal On Their Wedding Anniversary!” Affiliate/Partner Relationships:  “Let Us Be Your Bakery!  Providing Baked Goods For Local Cafes” Rewards:  “Your Friend Gets A Free Pastry”

      Image Examples:

      Photographs/video of baked goods being served at client’s location, pastries on display in a cafe, and friends laughing together inside the bakery

      The PROMOTING Channels

      The full list is available to subscribers only

      Channel 50 / PROMOTE / Website -Community News

      About Channel 50 Telling client stories either in case studies, or in articles, and then sharing the stories on social and in newsletters, will show how focused you are on the success of your customers.  It will also provide an easy way for them to share their success with you

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      Channel 51 / PROMOTE / Sales & Lead Pages

      About Channel 51 The most common way to utilize a sales or lead page as a method for brand advocacy is to offer a “bring your friend” type of offer.  This can be done by simply asking for a friend’s email address, or asking for permission to import an entire

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      Channel 52 / PROMOTE / Email, Newsletters & Text Messaging

      About Channel 52 Email will be an important channel for ongoing communication with your existing customers.  It is how you will tell them about new products, and also special offers.  You can also tell them about rewards they can get for referring friends.   The phrasing of these rewards should be

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      Channel 53 / PROMOTE / Video Apps

      About Channel 53 Videos have completely taken over much of the content that is shared on social media platforms.  When you create videos that either make your clients or customers look really good or smart, they will want to share them.    Additionally, publishing video after an event is also

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      Channel 54 / PROMOTE / Social Media Posts

      I would like to repeat a Russel Bronson quote that I gave to you earlier in the book.  He says, “When we’re looking at any opportunity, we have to decide if it will make us appear smarter, happier, more stylish, more wealthy, more powerful, or more attractive. All of these

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      Channel 55 / PROMOTE / Paid Ads

      About Channel 55 The most obvious (and fun) way to get your customers to advertise for you is through branded merchandise.  With the wide range of options for printing on every type of object you can imagine, creating a fun experience for your customers with branded merchandise will give you

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      Channel 56 / PROMOTE / Events Live & Virtual

      About Channel 56 Holding events for customers and partners in which they can bring others will strengthen your brand, and increase the size of your loyal community.   Channel 56 Superstar:  Girls Who Code girlswhocode.comFounder:  Reshma Saujani Overview:  Girls Who Code is an organization that teaches young girls how to

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      Channel 57 / PROMOTE / Partners

      About Channel 57 Working with Partners to provide additional value to your customers can be very effective.  You can offer discounted services to partner organizations to your customers, and earn affiliate rewards.  Another way to work with partners to expand the community around your brand is to partner with influencers

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      Channel 58 / PROMOTE / Mobile Apps

      About Channel 58 One of the benefits of an app is that it is attached to a device. That device is usually a phone, which means that the app then has access to the entire book of contacts, plus potential to connect with any other app installed on the phone. 

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      Channel 59 / PROMOTE / Metaverse

      About Channel 59 A literal explosion of virtual gaming that allows you to play live with complete strangers has changed the way that a large part of the population of young people, especially boys, make friends and spend their time.   The individual games, of course, use “invites” to turn their

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