Reading Essentials

Top 10 Copywriting, Marketing, & Sales Books


Amazon Best Seller

Digital Blitz, by Wendy Louise Wilder

Surround your customer with digital touchpoints.

A logic and customer journey based method that plays nice with algorithms and turns your customers into advocates for your brand.

Contagious - why things catch on

Contagious:  why things catch on, BY JONAH BERGER, 2013

An easy read that explains why people turn into advocates for a product or idea.

Building A Story Brand, by Donald Miller, 2017.

Miller tells you how to put your client in the seat of the hero, and your business as the sage, or guide.  By going through his process, you begin to see your business through your customer’s perspective, which is critical for good ad copy.

The Adweek Copywriting handbook.  By Joseph Sugarman, 2009

Great copy is the heart and soul of the advertising business. In this practical guide, legendary copywriter Joe Sugarman provides proven guidelines and expert advice on what it takes to write copy that will entice, motivate, and move customers to buy. For anyone who wants to break into the business, this is the ultimate companion resource for unlimited success.

Breakthrough Advertising, by Eugene M Schwartz.  1966

Easily the most sought-after copywriting book available, thus it is also expensive.  You may find a copy in your local library.  The most important idea in the book is that you need to speak to people differently depending upon where they are in their awareness level.  If you can’t get the book, do a search for  Eugene M Schwartz Quotes, reviews, & discussions.

 Copywriting Secrets, by Jim Edwards, 2019

 “Copywriting is selling. Whether online, offline, in video, direct mail, on Facebook, or from the stage, copywriting is how you put words together that make people click, call, or pull out their wallets and buy from you.”

The E5 Method, by Todd Brown, 2021.  

“Best book that exists on front end marketing campaigns that aquire customers from cold traffic for free. Your not a real marketer until you have read and internalized the principles Todd lays out in this classic that will surely go down in history along with the great Eugene Schwartz’s (Breakthrough Advertising) and Ogilvie on Advertising.”

Digital Sales Books

DotCom Secrets: By Russel Brunson, 2022

Just released in 2022.  Brunson is the creator and founder of ClickFunnels, a sales funnel tool that has stormed the internet.  Brunson believes in giving, and holds back no nothing.  “DotComSecrets was created to help entrepreneurs around the world to start, promote and grow their companies online.”

Traffic Secrets.  By Russel Brunson, 2020.

“Master the evergreen traffic strategies to fill your website and funnels with your dream customers in this timeless book from the $100M entrepreneur and co-founder of the software company ClickFunnels.

The biggest problem that most entrepreneurs have isn’t creating an amazing product or service; it’s getting their future customers to discover that they even exist. “

New Sales Simplified.  By Mike Weinberg, 2017.

“No matter how much repeat business you get from loyal customers, the lifeblood of your business is a constant flow of new accounts. Packed with tested strategies and anecdotes, New Sales. Simplified. offers a proven formula for prospecting, developing, and closing deals.”

Gap Selling; Getting the Customer to Yes. By Keenan, 2018.

“Unfortunately, customers often reject the very premise of what we’re trying to sell–not because they don’t agree with the vision we’ve painted but because they see the journey as too hard, too risky, too uncertain or too expensive. In his latest book, Keenan offers a fresh and provocative formula for helping customers realize that the pain of same is actually worse than the pain of change.”