• Jasmine's Decision JOurney

      Once a customer has a made a purchase from you, it is important to recognize that they have invested not only their heard earned money, but also the time that it took to sort through competing options, take a closer look at you, and make that decision.  They have invested in you.  They want to feel that they made a good choice. 

      They may test your product out at home, demonstrate it to friends or colleagues, or if they have challenges with it, contact you. 

      Following up after their purchase can determine whether or not they will continue as a customer, and even recommend you.  Even if the product does not work for them, you still have the opportunity to win them over as loyal customers.

      The VALIDATION Channels

      The full list is available to subscribers only

      Channel 41 / VALIDATION / Sales & Lead Pages

      About Channel 41 For most businesses, the lifelong value of a customer is much higher than that first purchase.  It can be ten times higher and even more.  Creating an experience just for existing customers will make them feel valued, and shows that you are in service of their needs.  

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      Channel 43 / VALIDATION / Video Apps

      About Channel 43 We are in such a visual and video-centric time, that it will be incredibly important for you to be creating sharable video for your existing audience.  It does not need to be highly produced.  Instead it can be done with a mobile phone, social media style.  Sometimes

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      Channel 44 / VALIDATION / Website Pages & Blog Articles

      About Channel 44 Your customers will likely be subscribed to your social profiles, so posting offers, insider info and news that will automatically appear on their feed will help maintain a connection with them, and continue building trust that you are a brand that they want to be associated with.

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      Channel 45 / VALIDATION / Paid Ads & SWAG

      About Channel 45 Because you already have multiple communication channels that you can use to reach your customers, you do not need to invest in ads for already existing customers.  You may wish to have a retargeting ad that is being shown to an upload of your email list, with

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      Channel 46 / VALIDATION / Events Live & Virtual

      About Channel 46 Rewarding customers with special events can’t be understated.  The type of event will, of course, depend completely on your unique company, but providing them with an opportunity to be your guest will generate an incredible amount of goodwill.   Channel 46 Superstar:  Dreamforce (Salesforce) www.salesforce.com/dreamforce Founder:  Marc

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      Channel 47 / VALIDATION / Partners

      About Channel 47 There may be instances where your partners will assist in sharing news and special offers.  However, you may not want them to be creating and maintaining your relationship with your clients.  You want to be sure that relationship belongs to you, and you alone.   Channel 47

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      Channel 48: LOYALTY | Mobile Apps

      About Channel 48 Many businesses find that creating an app for their customers allows them to provide frequent interaction with their community, and additional services not otherwise possible.  While some businesses ARE an app, such as Uber, many others have a full suite of services, and then provide a mobile

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      Channel 49 / VALIDATION / Metaverse

      About Channel 49 The jury is still out as to how virtual worlds will or will not become a part of our everyday lives or entertainment.  Currently half of the people in the Metaverse are under the age of 18.  What this means is that if a brand has decided

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