The Must-Have Checklist For Your Website & Digital Presence

Website Must Haves

What every website needs

Every website is as unique as the company it represents.  There are, however, certain features that need to be in place in order to take full advantage of your online presence.  Below I have outlined a list of must-haves and best practices for your website and digital presence.   People are reading your websites, but so are search engines, and you need to have your site ready for both audiences.  Your needs are unique, but all sites should have these implemented at a minimum.

Home Page Content

  • Logo
  • Tag Line/Mission Statement
  • Clear description of services written in text
  • 500 Words utilizing relevant key words
  • Relevant Imagery With Descriptive Alt Tags
  • Phone # that is clickable
  • E-mail Address that is clickable
  • Testimonial(s)
  • Social Media Links (see below)
  • License #, Memberships, affiliations (if relevant)
  • Copyright

Call To Actions – Throughout Site

  • Newsletter Sign-Up
  • Contact Us Form
  • Main Product purchase link/sign up
  • (optional)Chat Bot

Website Content

  • Relevant page titles (Important for SEO)
  • Well-written content with relevant keywords and key phrases throughout
  • Images with relevant file name titles and descriptions


You MUST have a mobile friendly website.

Techie Stuff

  • Facebook Pixel installed
  • LinkedIn Pixel installed
  • Google Analytics installed
  • Google Search Console activated
  • Favicons and icons – multiple sizes: read here >
  • “Open Graph” thumbnail code – image set for Social Media
  • Meta Tags For SEO
  • Site Map Submitted to Google
  • Indexed with Google – verification
  • User name NOT “admin
  • Google Adwords account

Social Media Must-Haves

  • Facebook Business Page
  • Facebook Business Manager set up
  • LinkedIn Business AND personal
  • LinkedIn Business Manager set up
  • YouTube Channel
  • Yelp Listing for your business

Pro Must Haves

  • AMP Pages For Mobile Phones
  • Structured Data & Rich Cards for Search Engine Presentation
  • Content Delivery Networks (CDN) for Fast Sites
  • SSL – Extended Validation Certificate -Contains Org Name
  • Accessibility & Legal
  • Site should have options for the visually and mobility impaired
  • GDPR Compliance – UN Requirement for informing users of cookies
  • Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Disclaimer (Termageddon can manage these)

Lead management & CRM

By now, most users don’t want to have to tell you information that you should already know.  You need a sophisticated CRM system that builds a profile for each of your customers so that you can provide the customized service that they expect in a big data age. I recommend HubSpot which has a free starter package.


The Future Bright So-Cast Model

To save time and efficiency, your Social Media Broadcast (So-Cast) should be automated in the following way:  when you add new content to your site, you should be able to post that content to Facebook and LinkedIn plus other social media sites with one click.  Additionally, your newsletter should be set up to link to your website so that you can easily select articles from your website for your newsletter.  You should then be monitoring your web traffic using Google Analytics and modifying your content based on that data.